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Psychology that leads to suicide

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Psychology that leads to suicide Empty Psychology that leads to suicide

Post  counselor Mon Oct 15, 2012 11:30 am

Psychology that leads to suicide

The psychological mechanisms underlying suicidal behavior often triggers in people who suffer from depression and loneliness. Or those people who have suffered sexual abuse, or psychological pressure demeaning.
Suicide is often the final act of a ritch apparently punctuated by failure, failure, guilt ...
The traumatic childhood experiences, especially the suffering resulting from broken families or lost their parents, are significantly more common among people with a tendency to self-destructive behavior, perhaps because these people are more prone to having difficulty setting up stable relationships, safe, significant .

As mentioned above, the suicide attempt is likely among the victims of child abuse, or between battered wives, reflecting a cyclical pattern of deprivation and violence within the family.

Suicide is usually the result of multiple and complex motivations.
The main driving forces are: depression in the first place, disappointments and losses, abnormal personality (impulsivity and aggression) and physical disorders. Often the trigger element is constituted by a single factor (usually the interruption of an important report).

Depression is implicated in over half of all attempted suicides. Can be triggered by social factors such as marital discord, the romances unhappy or ended abruptly, conflicts with parents (for young people), the recent deaths (especially among the elderly).
A depression is associated with a physical disorder can lead to a suicide attempt, but the physical, especially if chronic or painful, are most commonly associated with completed suicide. A physical disorder, particularly if severe, chronic and painful, plays an important role in about 20% of suicides among the elderly.

Alcohol predisposes to suicidal gestures, both aggravating a depressed mood that reducing self-control. About 30% of people who attempt suicide have consumed alcohol before the attempt, and about half of these are in a state of intoxication at the time when she does it. Since alcoholism, especially compulsive disorder during periods of abstinence often leads to a deep sense of remorse, alcoholics are predisposed to suicide even when sober. In one study, 10% of alcoholic patients committed suicide. Treatment programs for alcoholics that included measures to prevent suicides, probably reduce the suicide rate.

Some patients with schizophrenia commit suicide. In chronic schizophrenia, suicide may result from episodes of depression in these patients are predisposed. The method used is usually bizarre and often violent. The suicide attempt is rare, although it may be the first sign of mental disorder, occurring in the early stages of the disease, probably when the patient begins to become aware of the disorganization of its processes and volitional thought.

Individuals with personality disorders are prone to suicide attempts, especially those from immature emotionally with borderline personality disorder or antisocial, poorly tolerate the frustrations and impulsively react to stress with aggression and violence. Some have a history of excessive alcohol intake, substance abuse or criminal behavior. The failure to mature and lasting relationships can lead to the reduction of social opportunities, to loneliness and depression, which probably explains the large number of suicide attempts among people separated or divorced. In these people, the triggers are stress inevitably caused by the rupture of relations, if violated, and the effort to establish new friendships and lifestyles.

In some suicide attempts, has an important role in the mechanism of Russian roulette. The subject then decides which is the fate to determine the outcome. Some people derive excitement from unstable latter aspect of death-defying risky assets, such as careless driving and dangerous sports.

In suicidal behavior is often apparent aggression towards others (particularly in the murder-suicide in high incidence of suicide among prisoners for violent crimes).

If one considers the painful impact, suicide is an act directed towards significant others.

The organic brain disorders, such as delirium (eg. Due to substances, infection or heart failure) or dementia, may be accompanied by emotional lability. During a profound but transient change in depressive mood may result in serious violent acts of self-injury type. Since in such circumstances the knowledge is usually compromised, the patient may have only a vague memory of the event. Patients with epilepsy, especially temporal lobe, often short but severe depressive episodes. The prescription medication adapted to their condition puts them at risk of suicidal behavior than usual.

In any case, the verbal outburst, helps more than one vent deadly!

Posts : 172
Join date : 2012-09-01
Age : 38

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