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Affection, Affection, Affection, affective disorder

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Affection, Affection, Affection, affective disorder Empty Affection, Affection, Affection, affective disorder

Post  counselor Mon Oct 15, 2012 10:43 am

Affection, Affection, Affection, affective disorder


This term designates a fundamental aspect of psychic life which, as a place of the affections, passions, feelings, emotions, connotes a particular mode (love, hate, sympathy, anger, and so on) each individual relational process. The emotional life arises in connection with the body and the environment, on the one hand for the satisfaction of needs and the other for the development of cognitive processes related to knowledge of self and the world. Beyond their duties related to the construction of the inner world of representations and the decisions of action, the sensory afferents can be experienced as pleasant or unpleasant, good or bad, pleasant or unpleasant. The emotional characteristics attributed to people, things, situations, internal states, they tend to settle into patterns very durable, often pervasive psychic and social life. Hence the great importance of taking an affective variables in the study of personality, conduct normal and pathological social behavior. With this in mind we look at the emotional life in terms of the quality and direction, stability and lability, intensity. These characteristics are also relevant under the pathological profile, which constitutes a big chapter in many affections of order not only psychological but also organic. The affective lability and hyper-intensity are factors that are usually found in the psycho-neuroses, often with significant consequences on the self-perception of people and situations and, consequently, on social life. In manic-depressive changes in affective tone reach important values, both upward and downward with often serious consequences, in schizophrenia is well-known affective coldness, that is, the withdrawal of affection from external objects and the consequent shut himself the person in his own world that tends to detach from reality. In psychology, Wundt has developed a theory of feelings ordered around dichotomies pleasure-pain, tension-relaxation, excitement-inertia Titchener has established a link between affective states and sensory elements that, through repetition, both decrease their intensity. Some attributes of affective states are quality, intensity and duration. Today in psychology we tend to abandon the term. because it was considered too general and replace it with the more specific ones of emotion and feeling. Bleuler identified in psychiatric disorders of a. one of the symptoms of schizophrenia. When it comes to psychiatric affective psychoses to indicate severe mood disorders including depression and mania. In psychoanalysis, the a. belongs to the dimension of the unconscious. In the field of education, the a. in the processes of growth and development is part of the parent-child relationship.

Affective Disorder

The affective disorders are related to mood disorders and schizophrenia. In this example, we talk about emotional block as an inability to express affection for the presence of conflicting emotions (eg., Anger and joy).


The term originated in psychoanalysis to express the qualitative aspect of the amount of drive energy, which can be pleasant or unpleasant, vague or specific, discharge or violent tone spread. According to Freud, a. is always linked to a representation, because both terms refer to the way in which every impulse is expressed. In psychoanalysis, the cause of some neuroses, such as hysteria, is attributed to insufficient discharge of a. According to Jung and analytical psychology, the a. is understood as a state of feeling characterized, on the one hand, by perceptible bodily innervations; secondly, by a disorder of course representative.


From the Latin afficere (some influence on something, and, in the passive sense, they are affected by) the word can have two meanings: 1) stress suffered by an institution, that is, in a way, as amended, by an external agent or internal, able to exercise over the action. Gckel distinguishes between affectio externa, which is received by the subject from a cause external and internal affectio, which flows from intimate principles of the subject. Kant called a. representations in respect of whom the spirit behaves passively, 2) constant emotional connection of different intensities to one or more people, usually non-sexual nature. Psychoanalysis considers a. as erotic impulses inhibited in achieving their goal.

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Join date : 2012-09-01
Age : 38

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